The best investment an individual can make is in his fitness and health. The month of January marks the onset of working towards ones health and fitness especially in the uncertain times that we are gripped with. Meghashrey has sponsored the fitness awareness walk led by Mr. Kumar and his team from Mumbai to Pune.

In our bid to build a healthy and fit community, we have marked the month of January as the blanket distribution and fitness awareness initiative. Our team of volunteers ran from Mumbai to Pune, showcasing the importance of being fit and healthy. In the coming days they will be covering the entire stretch of Kashmir to Kanyakumari. We are proud of them and would like to congratulating on completing the Mumbai to Pune Region. A special gratitude to Mr. Kumar who is 60 years of age and yet and active member in competing the fitness & health initiative. He is an inspiration to the younger generation to come out of their comfort zone to be fit and healthy.