Women Empowerment
Women's empowerment in India is critical due to persistent gender disparities. The country ranks low in gender equality, with challenges in education, workforce participation, and political representation. Gender-based violence remains a concern, affecting thousands of women annually. Child marriage remains an issue, and maternal health requires improvement. To uplift women, society must address discriminatory practices and promote equitable opportunities, education, and healthcare access. Empowering women benefits society, fostering progress, and creating a more inclusive and prosperous nation.
Supporting Indian Farmers
​Seema Singh works directly with women farmers to ensure they are having a good livelihood.

Supporting Small business and farmers
​Meghashrey NGO in support with Seema Singh works towards supporting local artisans and being vocal for local.

Supporting Indian Farmers
​Seema Singh works directly with women farmers to ensure they are having a good livelihood.

Motivation and Encouragement
​MeghaShrey NGO motivates and encourages women and young girls to mark their strong foot in industries that were once dominated by men.

Employment Essentials and trainings
​MeghaShrey provides essential resources and training to women to start their own ventures and become women entrepreneurs.

Support an empowerment
​Meghashrey NGO encourages women from all walks of life to come forward, live a life with dignity and break the barriers which hinder their success and growth

Health Check Up and awareness Campaigns
​As part of the women empowerment program, MeghaShrey conducts regular awareness and health check-up campaigns for women.